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#GoodLooksInBooks: Let’s Appreciate Some “Hot Dudes Reading”

Dapper Dude Alert! Damn. Whatever prose he's reading cannot match the beauty of that full beard. He's like the hot English professor of my dreams, only with way better hair. #voluntarydetention #hotdudesreading - this ones for @lancebass

Dapper Dude Alert! Damn. Whatever prose he’s reading cannot match the beauty of that full beard. He’s like the hot English professor of my dreams, only with way better hair. #voluntarydetention #hotdudesreading – this ones for @lancebass

The Instagram “Hot Dudes Reading” is less than 2 weeks old, but it already has over 115,000 followers. Curious what it’s about? It’s not complicated. (like I’m SURE the sexy guys immersed in in text are) It’s anonymous creators explained to the Huffington Post:

“We’ve always chatted about constantly falling in love on our subway commutes and organically began sending these pictures to one another. The Instagram account was started on a lark as something to do on a snowy day, and a week+ later here we are. Reading is fundamentally hot, and who doesn’t like to fantasize a little bit about the sexy stranger we spot sitting across from us?”

What can I say? – it’s been a long winter and the pics will likely get hotter as the weather gets warmer. (Tank tops! Manspreading in shorts! The West 4th Street station is one stop from me in the West Village, so I’ll be on the look-out.) But warning to hot guys out there, they will READ YOU in their hilarious captions –and no iPads either, I assume. You can tag pics or send to them, too:

“Tag @hotdudesreading or email pics to hotdudesreading@gmail.com – #NoKindles”

You can follow “Hot Dudes Reading” here. (UPDATE: In the few hours since I posted this, their Instagram gained 20,000+ followers!)

Look at that wide power stance. No hands needed. This sexy stud owns the 4 train with the same confidence he probably exudes defending the zone at his pick-up hockey games. He's not going to fall, but I already have. Hard. #theicemancometh #hotdudesreading

Look at that wide power stance. No hands needed. This sexy stud owns the 4 train with the same confidence he probably exudes defending the zone at his pick-up hockey games. He’s not going to fall, but I already have. Hard. #theicemancometh #hotdudesreading

Tall, dark and handsome with a thick beard AND a thick...book? This man must be straight out of the fiction section because he's too good to be true. If only he was patiently waiting for me instead of the E train. #YouKnowWhatTheySayAboutThickBooks #hotdudesreading

Tall, dark and handsome with a thick beard AND a thick…book? This man must be straight out of the fiction section because he’s too good to be true. If only he was patiently waiting for me instead of the E train. #YouKnowWhatTheySayAboutThickBooks #hotdudesreading

This Elijah Wood look-a-like is all hunk, no hobbit. He probably weekends in the Berkshires with his golden retriever, hiking and chopping wood with those big hands. He could trek to Middle Earth and I'd still follow. #illtakethatring #hotdudesreading

This Elijah Wood look-a-like is all hunk, no hobbit. He probably weekends in the Berkshires with his golden retriever, hiking and chopping wood with those big hands. He could trek to Middle Earth and I’d still follow. #illtakethatring #hotdudesreading

Sigh. This Clark Kent look-alike seems to have just flown in from Krypton to spend some QT on the F Train with us mere mortals. I may have to pretend to faint so he’ll catch me but I’m going to let him finish the last few pages of 100 Years of Solitude first. #superman #hotdudesreading

Sigh. This Clark Kent look-alike seems to have just flown in from Krypton to spend some QT on the F Train with us mere mortals. I may have to pretend to faint so he’ll catch me but I’m going to let him finish the last few pages of 100 Years of Solitude first. #superman #hotdudesreading

Check out this Brooklyn-bound boss' material. Maybe he's an aspiring actor/writer/producer/director/nudist looking for tips. Doesn't matter, I love a man getting in touch with his feminine side. When will he get in touch with mine? Just kidding. #notthatkindofgirl #hotdudesreading

Check out this Brooklyn-bound boss’ material. Maybe he’s an aspiring actor/writer/producer/director/nudist looking for tips. Doesn’t matter, I love a man getting in touch with his feminine side. When will he get in touch with mine? Just kidding. #notthatkindofgirl #hotdudesreading

Good morning, single bachelor. Nothing gives me more hope than a banker without a band. Almost has that dangerous Patrick Bateman vibe, but I can tell he's a nice guy on account of the black loafers and blue socks. He's probably listening to Taylor Swift in those headphones. #blankspace #hotdudesreading

Good morning, single bachelor. Nothing gives me more hope than a banker without a band. Almost has that dangerous Patrick Bateman vibe, but I can tell he’s a nice guy on account of the black loafers and blue socks. He’s probably listening to Taylor Swift in those headphones. #blankspace #hotdudesreading

(Photos, Instagram; via Huffington Post; T/Y Kevin)

The post #GoodLooksInBooks: Let’s Appreciate Some “Hot Dudes Reading” appeared first on World of Wonder.

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