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Quote Unquote: Inside Amy Shumer’s Head


Amy Shumer is hilarious and like a lot of funny people, she’s smart too. Her show is VERY funny but after seeing it, the last thing you might expect is her introspective piece about self-worth. Here’s an excerpt – you can read the whole thing here… and then you can laugh your ass off watching the clip.

“…I want to throw my hands in the air, after reading a mean Twitter comment, and say, ‘All right! You got it. You figured me out. I’m not pretty. I’m not thin. I do not deserve to use my voice. I’ll start wearing a burqa and start waiting tables at a pancake house. All my self-worth is based on what you can see.’ But then I think, Fuck that. I am not laying in that freshman year bed anymore ever again. I am a woman with thoughts and questions and shit to say. I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story — I will. I will speak and share and fuck and love and I will never apologize to the frightened millions who resent that they never had it in them to do it. I stand here and I am amazing, for you…”

self worth Quote Unquote Inside Amy Shumer Amy Shumer

(Via Vulture)

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Real Estate Porn (Soft Core): A Photobombing Dog Spices Up Any Real Estate Photo

Instaglam: LA to NYC – James St. James and Michael Alig Reunite

Ongina On Ring My Bell Tomorrow at 4PM PST


The beautiful Ongina from RuPaul’s Drag Race season one will be taking your calls on Ring My Bell, Wednesday, May 7th at 4PM PST! Click over to find out how you can talk with her! WOWPresents RuPauls Drag Race Ring My Bell Ongina

Call Ongina at (323) 319-4777 or you can call them at wowpresents on Skype (SET UP YOUR SKYPE ACCOUNT NOW), and make those connections, guuuuuuurl! (Only your voice will be recorded.) If the phone keeps ringing, don’t get impatient just wait and we’ll try our hardest to connect your call!

Watch Past Episodes of Ring My Bell:

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Venus D Lite on Ring My Bell Tomorrow at 3PM


Is that Madonna?! No it’s Venus D Lite! Venus will be taking your calls on Ring My Bell, Wednesday, May 7th at 3PM PST! Click over to find out how you can talk with her!


WOWPresents Venus D Lite RuPauls Drag Race Ring My Bell

Call Venus D Lite at (323) 319-4777 or you can call them at wowpresents on Skype (SET UP YOUR SKYPE ACCOUNT NOW), and make those connections, guuuuuuurl! (Only your voice will be recorded.) If the phone keeps ringing, don’t get impatient just wait and we’ll try our hardest to connect your call!

Watch Past Episodes of Ring My Bell:

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Monica Lewinsky in Black and White


Monica Lewinsky has a piece coming out in Vanity Fair in a couple of days where she “breaks the silence.” We always felt that the shaming of Monica was one of the most shameful and excruciating episodes in American politics. In the wake of 9/11 it seemed perhaps something anomalous, unique to its time. But on the contrary the intervening years have only demonstrated how the shaming culture, with its bullies and victims, has become the dominant tone in our all-pervasive social media climate. In 2002 we produced Monica In Black and White for HBO. When Sheila Nevins asked us to come meet Monica we were surprised at how sweet and smart she was, and following is what we wrote about America’s sorry savaging of Monica for our book The World According To Wonder. Tony and Idris took these stunning Hurrell-like portraits revealing her incredible beauty.

January 16, 2002, the Television Critics Association



“Over here, Monica!”

“Monica! After September 11, can’t you just let the country move on?”

“How do you feel about the stain you brought on the presidency?”

“On your right! Monica! Why are you putting yourself in the spotlight again?”

“Monica, why don’t you just curl up and die?”

That one even drew a gasp from the audience.

“You said they’d be nice,” joked Monica in what
subsequently would be reported as “a pathetic wail.”

She didn’t have a chance. She said that she just wanted to set the record straight. But they didn’t care about our film, Monica in Black and White, and they didn’t care about the record. They just wanted to rip her to shreds.

We so should have seen it coming.

Everyone’s got an opinion about Monica. People smirk. Roll their eyes. Crack jokes. When Sheila Nevins first got us in the room with Monica, we were struck by how pretty she was. She quickly put us at our ease, explaining she was no stranger to people being surprised that
someone about whom so many ugly things have been written could be attractive in person.

The film’s format would be simple, Monica would field questions from an audience of law students. Law students because Monica wanted to talk about the legal issues and shed light on the way she had been manipulated and coerced by prosecutors. Monica would not be protected by a host. She would be up on stage, alone. And the students would be free to ask her anything they wanted. But it soon became apparent as she walked out to lukewarm applause for the first of several question-and-answer sessions we were filming at Cooper Union, that the law students hadn’t come prepared with legal questions. Instead, they wanted to know what she called the president when she was alone with him. Which is what we all wanted to know. Because this was not about law. This was about love.

And as Monica chatted openly about it, it looked a lot like love. They chatted on the phone about nothing. They exchanged silly gifts. But, in a series of stunning betrayals, Monica’s fairytale became
a nightmare, and her romantic reverie became
a sexual grotesque.

Cue the wicked witch, Linda Tripp, with a tape recorder for a broomstick. And the handsome prince (that’s what she called her Bill, “Handsome”). On January 26, 1998, the day before the State of the Union address, Bill denied the state of his union with Monica when he said, “I did not have sex with that woman.” More Pinocchio than Prince Charming.

But, initially, Monica was glad of this disavowal, since it was their plan. “It’s people’s natural inclination to lie about sex,” said Monica. Besides, telling the truth about sex is a dangerous business. When D H Lawrence put the sex in romance in Lady Chatterly’s Lover, he ended up on trial for obscenity. Madonna’s book Sex almost derailed her career. The Starr Report would prove to be no less controversial. Casting himself as the long suffering clean-up guy (subtly underscored by his habit of taking out the trash as he left his home chit-chatting with reporters), Starr autopsied Monica and Bill’s affair, detailing every sexual gesture and moment. Extramarital affairs aren’t that unusual, but what is unusual is to see moments of illicit passion clinically listed in a criminal report. The subjects’ passion was cleverly crafted to become the reader’s revulsion. And so the Starr Report was the crowning betrayal of Monica. Thanks to it, we know more about her than we have a right to know about any individual. And because she retains not a shred of privacy with which to cover herself, she has also been stripped of the dignity and respect any fellow citizen enjoys. To say she has been a victim of an invasion of privacy is a considerable understatement. Informational gang rape is more like it.

Not that she got much sympathy from the audience. Why did she talk? they asked her. Because she was threatened with jail, because she was under oath. Why does she continue to talk about it? they asked her.

But that was why they were there. This was the show they had come to see.

Patiently, Monica said she would give anything to have her anonymity back but she also had to set the record straight: She never meant this to become public, she signed a false affidavit to cover it up. Yes, she told a few friends. But there’s a difference between telling someone something in private and having it revealed in public. There’s a difference between confiding in someone over the phone and hearing it played back in the offices of the FBI. There’s a difference between something you write and then delete from your computer, and seeing it published in a government report and distributed over the internet.

But why, the audience kept on, didn’t she put herself out to pasture in Nebraska or Nova Scotia?

As the back-and-forth went on, it became clear that the audience and Monica were engaged in some kind of struggle. Linda Williams in her book Hardcore characterizes the evolution of pornography as “a frenzy of the visible,” describing the way the medium is forever striving to show sex more explicitly, more realistically, and more close-up. It’s ultimately an exercise in futility, because the thing we seek to see cannot be shown. It was no different in Monica’s case; the audience came frenziedly seeking the visible, the striptease of her soul. The more Monica gave, the more they wanted. And yet the more she revealed, the less they actually saw. Meanwhile, Monica was there to recover her dignity. Like Peter Pan, she wanted her shadow back. But the audience wouldn’t let her have it.

Sitting on the dais with Monica as the critics tore her apart at TCA, we felt we had finally lived a tiny bit of what Monica has had to endure.

Shortly after we left the stage, out came Rudolph Giuliani, so-called hero of 9/11. The television critics gave him a standing ovation. They kissed
his ass with the same kind of fervor with which they had savaged Monica. It was sick-making.

Listening to one of Linda Tripp’s taped calls with Monica one day, we noticed that David Bowie’s “Heroes” was playing in the background. It was an epiphany. The song’s ache for transcendent heroism paired with the melancholy recognition that this was simply wishful thinking, perfectly captured the plight of all those who, in this episode, aspired to be heroes only to fall short. Bill Clinton, Kenneth Starr, Linda Tripp – they all emerged lesser people. But not Monica.

She did her best. She refused to wear a wire to trap the president. And where everyone else got to walk away and go on to other things, she paid for all this with the loss of her good name.

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Micky’s RuPaul’s Drag Race Reunited Ticket Winner


This super fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race snagged herself a pair of tickets at Micky’s in West Hollywood to tonights filming of RuPaul’s Drag Race Reunited!

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Reunited RuPauls Drag Race RuPaul mickys Bianca del Rio

The rules of the contest were to show your love for your favorite queen on RuPaul’s Drag Race by making a shirt. The winner made a shirt supporting Bianca Del Rio by drawing Bianca’s face on her t-shirt with a sharpie. Condragulations! Be sure to tune in to RuPaul’s Drag Race Reunited May 19 at 10PM on Logo to find out who is crowned America’s Next Drag Superstar!

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Met Gala STYLE – See WOWlebrity Instagrams!


At the incomparable Met Gala, check out these gorgeous WOWlebrities SLAYING Instagram with style!

With so much beauty in one place, it’s hard for me to breathe looking at these Instagrams. There is a lot going on, I’m panting. Can you imagine being there?

Hamish Bowles giving everything you want and more:

Andy Cohen looking sexy as usual:

With Sarah Jessica Parker giving fashion, getting fashion, making it work:

Anna Wintour – How can someone be so loud without even saying a word? Flawless.


Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka, by far the hottest most fashion-synched couple, who can resist this?

Nicole Richie has really outdone herself, classically elegant and STUNNING:

Still looks gorgeous, even in this flirty selfie:

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RuPaul’s Drag Race Final 3

Transformations: Alaska’s Ten Minute Challenge

Watch This Video Now: RuPaul’s Drag Race – Countdown to The Crown

SHE’s BAAACK! Courtney Love “You Know My Name”


Just in time for your I’m so edgy and nobody understands me prom season mood, Courtney Love puts out new 90s style riot grrrl-esque double A-side single You Know My Name. While rumors go on and on about her band Hole reforming, and that bizarre found letter that Courtney “supposedly” wrote to Kurt Cobain that mocks their wedding vows makes it’s rounds on every blog, Courtney is unilaterally doing her own thing again (which will probably not bode well with the group). “ I’m so excited to be getting back to my rocker roots and doing what I love”, says Love. Check  her out, glitter- bombing a hotel room, with a disco ball thrown in for extra sparkle.

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It’s Birthday, Bitch

RuPaul’s Drag Race Reunited Season Six: Behind The Scenes


OMG OMG OMG! Get the first look at RuPaul’s Drag Race Reunited Season Six! Check it out after the jump!

And be sure to follow World of Wonder on Twitter and Instagram for more behind the scenes photos AS THEY HAPPEN!

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Reunited RuPauls Drag Race

Michelle Visage warming up the AMAZING audience! (photo by Thairin Smothers)

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Reunited RuPauls Drag Race

The season 6 queens are getting ready for the big show!

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Reunited RuPauls Drag Race

First Fans In Line! 

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Reunited RuPauls Drag Race

The marquee at the Theater at Ace Hotel in Downtown LA

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Reunited RuPauls Drag Race

Inside the theater at ACE Hotel Downtown LA

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Reunited RuPauls Drag Race

Ivy Winters and Jinkx Monsoon watching rehearsal

(photo by Thairin Smothers)

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Rebel Wilson Is Private Benjamin 2014


Remakes Rebel Wilson Private Benjamin Movies Legendary Hollywood Goldie Hawn Comedies

Yup. You read right. I’m not upset that Rebel Wilson will star in the remake of Private Benjamin, I am upset that they are doing a remake of Private Benjamin. Why do they always want to mess with the classics? Next they’ll be remaking 16 Candles, or for that matter, ANY John Hughes movies. Anna Farris was originally set to star in the remake but they went with Rebel in the end. Thoughts?

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Mariah Carey’s Daytime Drag


ridiculous Mimi Mariah Carey Mariah Letterman Drama Daytime Drag

ridiculous Mimi Mariah Carey Mariah Letterman Drama Daytime Drag

Okay, maybe she was just shopping around, but rather heading out of her apartment to the Letterman show. Only Mariah Carey can make this all be right in broad daylight. The gown, the motorcycle, the one glove and cat glasses. Yes to all of the above! (Photo: Pacific Coast News)

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Neil Patrick Harris (Barely) Covers Rolling Stone


Rolling Stone Neil Patrick Harris Hedwig and the Angry Inch David Burka

“I didn’t think he could pull off the femininity of [the role],” fiencé David Burtka says of NPH. “This is such a stretch for him. In his day-to-day, he’s not a very feminine guy.” Harris, too, said that he had always been aware of how he presented himself, especially in his Doogie years. “I have always been highly aware of how I was presenting myself. Which, now that I’m playing overtly feminine and loving it, is kind of a stupid concern.”

Rolling Stone Neil Patrick Harris Hedwig and the Angry Inch David Burka
Read more here. (Photograph by Terry Richardson; via Rolling Stone)

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Zac Efron Is Hot In Drag (Of COURSE He Is!)


Zac Efron The Tonight Show Seth Rogen neighbors Jimmy Fallon We are all aware of Zac Efron’s hotness (and his new movie Neighbors – geez, the promotion has been RELENTLESS for months…will you give it a rest if we all promise to see it?) His Neighbors co-star Seth Rogen says that Zac is “something a gay guy designed in a laboratory.” But, as much sense at it makes it isn’t fair that he looked this good in drag on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Anything but the sketch’s title, “Ew.”
Zac Efron The Tonight Show Seth Rogen neighbors Jimmy Fallon

Zac Efron The Tonight Show Seth Rogen neighbors Jimmy Fallon

Zac Efron The Tonight Show Seth Rogen neighbors Jimmy Fallon

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Quote Unquote: Sarah Palin Is A Genius


OMG, you’d think that the top prize for “Ridiculous Clinton Theory” would go to Lynne Cheney for suggesting that Vanity Fair would only agree to print Monica Lewinsky’s essay as part a Clinton-orchestrated plot to make sure the story is old news prior to Hillary’s Presidential run in 2016. But in an Extra interview that might make my head explode, Mario Lopez asked Sarah Palin to weigh in on whether becoming a grandmother will make Hillary Clinton more electable and here’s what Palin said:

“I think it will kind of broaden her world view. Also she, just knowing that her daughter Chelsea is pregnant with a baby – it’s a real baby! It’s not some disposable something – and I know that will be controversial – but those who, perhaps, they’re in this position now as a parent or a grandparent, they realize that sanctity of life, how innocent, how precious it is. And of all places it should be in the womb that these babies are protected. So maybe even on a social issue like that she’ll open her eyes.” –Sarah Palin

Really? Being First Lady of Arkansas and of the US for 16 combined years, a New York Senator and Secretary of State (with woman’s issues one of your top priorities) you think through all of that AND having Chelsea come outta her, just might have had “opened her eyes” before? Lady, I REALLY hope you do run for President, I know I’ll get at least 4 posts a week, at the minimum, out of it. T/Y. (via New York Magazine)
Vanity Fair Sarah Palin Monica Lewinsky Mario Lopez Hillary Clinton Extra! Chelsea Clinton

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Quote Unquote: David & Jason Benham (They’re Geniuses Too)


Well, in the spirit of in say anything to get publicity and EVERYONE having their own TV show, meet David and Jason Benham. At a prayer rally in 2012, David Benham preached on the importance of fighting reproductive choice, homosexuality and other modern ills:

“We don’t realize that, okay, if 87 percent of Americans are Christians and yet we have abortion on demand; we have no-fault divorce; we have pornography and perversion; we have a homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation; we have adultery; we have all of the things; we even have allowed demonic ideologies to take our universities and our public school systems while the church sits silent and just builds big churches.” -Twin realtors David and Jason Benham who help families transform a fixer-uppers on HGTV’s new show Flip It Forward

Just a suggestion but maybe it should be called Flip It Back To 1954. (via New Now Next)New Now Next Homophobia HGTV Flip It Forward Bigots

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