Veteran documentary filmmaker Albert Maysles, who co-directed seminal non-fiction titles such as Gimme Shelter and Salesman with his brother David, passed away last night. Criterion today released the filmmaker’s classic masterwork Grey Gardens (co-directed by his brother David, Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer) back into theaters in honor of its upcoming 40th anniversary.
Last November, Maysles received DOC NYC’s Lifetime Achievement Award for his remarkable body of work. He said at the time:
“The very medium of documentary offers us the opportunity to make real the biblical expression asking us to love our neighbor. It gives us the knowledge of our neighbors far and wide. Knowledge by which we can love our neighbors.”
He was nominated for one Oscar for Best Short Documentary for Christo’s Valley Curtain, among many others. His last project, In Transit, will premiere next month at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. That’s the way to go, with a project about to premiere and probably two more in the works. He was 88. Let’s watch this clip of some amazing moments from Maysles’ masterpiece.
Grey Gardens is on TCM this Sunday night. (via IndieWire)
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