Annie Leibovitz has photographed all but three of the Vanity Fair Hollywood Issue covers since the first edition debuted in 1994 (which I designed, as I’ve mentioned before, and will do again. Humble brag.) She describes this year’s shoot:
“Usually you shoot from fairly far away, but we wanted to get really close to the actors. We made an effort to create a feeling of intimacy. I pushed into them, shooting to the left and then the right, coming in as tight as I could.”
In the portfolio of Brits below, shot by British-born Jason Bell, it’s noteworthy that four of the most prominent British names in the current Oscar race —Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Eddie Redmayne, and Felicity Jones —are being lauded for staying across the pond and playing real-life Brits. Let’s face it, the Oscars are just as much England’s as they are ours the last 50 years. To see and read more, you can go here.
(Cover, Annie Leibovitz; portfolio photos, Jason Bell; via Vanity Fair)
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