Cami Knockers was declared Queen of the house and oddly made Perez ‘The Vacuum’ Hilton her King who suggested she indulge in a bit a faux bit of lesbianism to gain popularity.
She threw a tantrum objecting saying “my parents are watching” and in the next breath, “I love dick, the deeper it penetrates the better”.
How lovely.
Chloe threw a hissy fit too. But said absolutely nothing worthy of note.
In Michelle news, she wore a leopard print turban and took a bath with Zelda. In the diary room, she said The Vacuum was obnoxious and 20 needy drag queens doesn’t compare to one him. Yes to that.
Sounds like she’s got a bit of a cold too bless her. Send her healing vibes. If you’re into that.
The post London Calling…Holestar on #VisageWatch Day 7 appeared first on World of Wonder.